Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Together Time Travel Blog Introduction

This is the first entry for the Together Time Travel Blog. My wife, Kristi, and I love to travel. I guess I would say that it is one of our favorite hobbies. We get excited to contemplate where we can go next. Once we chose a new location, we enjoy planning, researching, and scheduling our travels. Of course, we love to actually experience new locations and new activities. We like to share our experience with anyone who has an interest.

Kristi had actually taken a training course on being a travel agent. She completed the course and was acting as an agent through the agency that provided the training. She had access to agent web sites and dabbled with bookings for others. She found that it was very time consuming, but she did start the process. A part of that process was to have a name for her agency or "business". Her travel agency was called Together Time Travel. Travel has provided us with some of the fondest memories that we have together so this same title makes sense for this blog.

Our kids, Alex and Adri, will hopefully be able to contribute their thoughts regarding their experiences as they travel with us.


  1. This is a very cool thing. I will look forward to reading it. Hopefully, Alex and Adri will post something soon. After the writing camp, they should be all primed and ready to write! Have a great time. I'll be keeping track of you via the blog and, of course, our phones. Love you guys!

  2. Ok, oops. That last comment from Dad was actually mine. I chose my google account and I guess because Dad was the last one signed in, it used his google account. Oh well. Now you know . . . the last "Jim Bush said" should actually have said "mclaybaugh said" . . . haha!

  3. C'Mon, get blogging. Stop enjoying your vacation and blog a little. :o) Hope you guys are having fun in Bar Harbor today. I love you all!
