Monday, July 30, 2012

End of a Good Vacation

Well, all good things must come to an end.  We didn't do much Friday either.  We went to the pool again and Adri and I played more tennis, while Alex did things on his computer.  Our plan for Friday was to relax, pack, and head to Raleigh for the wedding.

We arrived in Raleigh about 7:30pm.  We needed to go up to Raleigh Friday night because we had tee times at 7:30am, Saturday.  Golf with the guys is always a good thing to do before a wedding!  So, Adam, Alan, Caleb, Aaron, Adam's friend Mark, and I went golfing.  We had a great time, but I don't have any pictures.  We all had some great shots and some we would rather forget, but it was great getting out.

We then went back to get ready for the wedding and went to the church.  It was a very nice service, and I am glad we were able to be there for Adam and Adrienne.  After the wedding we went to the reception where we had an excellent meal and a good time visiting and dancing.  By the time we were well into the night, a tremendous storm started up.  I know it was no hurricane, but it sure was violent.  At one point, the wind was blowing so hard the ceiling fans that were on the covered porch were spinning out of control.  The blades were spinning faster than if the fan was on high, and the three foot extension was swinging the entire thing so high that the blades were hitting the ceiling.  By the time the night was done, one fan was completely gone and the other only had three of the five blades remaining.  It rained very hard and there were flash floods all around.  This just gave people a reason to stay a little longer.

We drove the long drive home on Sunday.  We had another successful and enjoyable vacation! 

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