Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Evening Routine (Southern Caribbean - July 16, 2014)

We were always back on board to get ready for our dinner.  Some don't like the formal dinner, but we really enjoy it.  We like to get to know our wait staff and choose from the great options.  I always take the camera just in case, but I think Adri was getting tired of my attempts at capturing the moment.  I think the dinner was Alex's favorite part of the cruise.  He would often try a couple of appetizers, a few times he ordered two entrees, and he most definitely ordered multiple desserts.  It is hard to choose sometimes, so protocol is to order multiples.

While at dinner, we often look over the activities from the evening.  Alex and I did a lot of the shows, but we also just played games.  Adri and I played shuffle board a couple of times.  Alex wanted to get a picture that showed the perspective of how big the ship was by showing how small we are compared to the fins.

It was pretty common to play some cards and have a late night snack.  Alex preferred the Caesar salad, but we also liked the sandwich station and the pizza.

1 comment:

  1. Keep the updates coming! I love reading them and seeing the pictures. I especially love the pictures of Alex and Adri at the beginning. They look so grown up, too. Man, we're getting old. I'm glad you all had a good time.
