Family Vacation 2009 - Niagara Falls
Our first travel location was Niagara Falls, Canada. This would give us about an eight hour drive for the first day and would provide a national attraction for the kids to see. We arrived in the early evening at our camp ground cabin. They kids had a chance to swim before we ate. It was a nice camp ground. We pulled out the electric frying pan and hot dogs (Kristi had fish), and went into town to see the falls at night all lit up. On the way we did a little shopping. I found some luggage that I liked at an outlet mall, but we passed it up. The falls were very pretty at night. It was also a little scary because of the awesome power of the rushing water set against a very black night surrounding. Alex's words were, "Wow! Awesome!" I don't think the kids thought they would like it, but they did. Adri got a little concerned because mentioned taking a boat tour and she wasn't quite sure if she would like it.
Our plan was to head back in the next day to take a boat tour or go up the Skyliner observation tower for lunch. Unfortunately, Kristi woke up with a bad migraine. So, the kids and I headed out. We decided to ta
ke the boat tour up to the falls. We walked along the water until we got to the boat adventure location. Again, the kids a good time and were able to see some amazing natural wonder. After our boating adventure, we went back to get Kristi so we could get lunch and see a few more things. We decided to not go up the Skyliner to eat. Time was getting away from us. We stayed close to where we part, which happened to be near the Planet Hollywood, and the Hersey store. We decided to eat at the Planet Hollywood after a little store gawking before we headed out. We knew we had a long drive to get to our next location in New Hampshire!
Yeah, a new posting and pictures!!! Really, it sounds great. You should be able to shop a little, even though it takes up some time. Sounds good. I think when you say "falls", kids think - boring, but Niagra is so big and powerful, it is truly a wonder. I can't wait for the next entry and moore pictures. A campground cabin was a great idea! Hopefully, a little less expensive. That always is nice and sometimes provides a cool experience for the kids. Have fun!!!