Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Day In Las Vegas - On The Slow Side

Though the road trip was continuing, we were going to stay in Las Vegas for the day and spend a second night at the Golden Nugget.  So, on day six, we woke up as early as we could get ourselves going to visit the Silver and Gold Pawn Shop, which is where the hit TV series Pawn Stars is filmed. This was something that both of the kids really wanted to do. It was a 15-minute walk from The Golden Nugget.  
The walk was very hot, even relatively early in the morning, but we were able to get right in to the store when we arrived. Kristi had read online that they may charge admission and that people had to wait outside in the hot Nevada sun for a long time to get in. We didn’t have to pay, and we did have to wait in the heat. It was really busy, but we still had a great time looking around. Alex bought a “Chum-Lee for President” t-shirt. I was interested in a couple of guns they had that were similar to a 25-20 that has been in my family for years and dates back to the early 1890s. Though they were different caliber, they had two hexagon barrel guns like ours from 1886 and 1887. The one that needed some work and was not in as good of shape was close to $1,000. This made me wonder what our 25-20 would be worth! Kristi looked at jewelry but wouldn’t let me buy her anything, especially not the 3.3 carat diamond ring that was $54,000. It makes me wonder why people had to sell these things, especially a ring like that! It was also interesting to see items in the shop that we had seen pawned or sold on the show. Alex was able to identify and explain to us about the “death clock,” the Lindbergh propeller, the mortar, and the Virtual Boy.

After that, we were all starving and decided to look for a place to eat. Nothing was open on our walk back down Fremont Street, so we ate at a restaurant in the Golden Nugget. The food was really expensive, but the portions were large. With our tummies full, we all decided to relax in our room during the hottest hours of the day. Kristi, Adri and I napped while Alex watched TV. This was especially nice after the long day of driving yesterday!

Once we got up, we all put on our bathing suits and headed down to the pool. The kids tried out the water slide that went through the shark tank and liked it. I did it, too! We went too fast to see the fish and sharks in the tank that the tube went through, but it was still fun. Kristi soaked up some sun and relaxed in a pool chair in the shallow end. It was insanely busy, but we all managed to have a really good time.

For dinner, we ate at Lillie’s Asian Cuisine. We sat in the part that was a Japanese steakhouse and had our food prepared in front of us. We always enjoy that type of thing and weren’t really up for much else. This allowed us to build in our entertainment with our dinner. 

After dinner, Adri had a chocolate craving, so Alex, Adri and I walked down Fremont Street to find some dessert. Along the way, we saw some things that surprised the kids, like street performers and dancers on tables. There were lights everywhere, and a lot of activity. They also saw what they claimed was the world’s biggest “big screen,” which is a canopy over at least a block of Fremont Street. There were advertisements, a show about video games of the 80s, and a constantly changing stream of lights and entertainment. We weren’t out there very late, but there was a lot to see on our short walk between the Golden Nugget and the Walgreens where we bought our chocolate.

It was a quick visit to Las Vegas, as it was with the rest of our stops on this trip, but we were able to hit some highlights while we were there.

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