Friday, April 4, 2014

Another Relaxing Day of Pool, Putt-Putt and Logans

April 3, 2014

Our normal routine was to sleep in,  hit the pool and get around for some type of outing.  Today was no different.  We had a little pool and sun time and then we came back to relax a little and get showered up.  Adri Grandma and I went to Putt-Putt.  This is always a fun thing to do on vacation.

We ate in dinner the condo three nights and ate out on the others.  One thing we always like to do is go to a steak place.  We had a coupon for a free appetizer at Logan's so that is  where we went.  It wasn't up to our normal Logan's standard, but it was still a good meal. 

Adri and I made it back in time for some late-night racquetball!   

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