We like to take advantage of as many of the on-board activities as we can. If you haven't cruised much or have never taken advantage, I would recommend it. Take every opportunity to do something you wouldn't otherwise do. Adri and I hit the shuffle board area. A short while later, Alex and I hit the trivia contests. For those who have cruised, you will recognize the activity slip. We always had this in our pocket so we could plan out what we wanted to do. Some may recognize the Team Trivia Die. In addition to the basic trivias, Alex and I also joined a team for Team Trivia. We have several "Ships on a Stick" which are pure gold plastic trophies for winning on board contests. The Team Trivia was four sessions of trivia that went on all week long. We will get back to this later!
After laying out, hanging out, playing shuffle board, and doing some trivia, we got ready for the first formal night. Like always,we wanted to get some pictures so we might find one that could be our family photos for the year. If you haven't cruised or cruised much, I recommend taking advantage of this. They take tons of pictures and there is no obligation to buy. With all they take, there is a good chance there will be some you like. But, a word of caution is that you have to be disciplined. You may find there are several that you like. When you consider sitting fees and all of that, the pictures are not that badly priced, but individual pictures are a little expensive so you could rack up a huge expense to your cruise by just buying pictures. I recommend looking for that family set, etc. After some quick pictures it was time for the great formal dinner.
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